
INTREXX GmbH ist der Marktführer im Bereich der Low-Code-Softwareentwicklung für mittelständische Unternehmen. Zusammen mit vielen Partnern unterstützt INTREXX seit 1998 Kunden aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen dabei, ihre individuellen Prozessabläufe zu erkennen, zu gestalten und zu automatisieren.

oneVcard is the digital and smart business card for contemporary networking. All business for the entire company can be quickly digitized and managed using the intuitive team administration. ERP systems can be connected directly via suitable interfaces and data can be transmitted securely. In the practical application, desired contact data, social media profiles, other links and files are shared in a few seconds and easily saved. The contact details themselves can of course be updated at any time, the oneVcard is compatible with all devices and the data is securely stored.

aconso is the inventor of the digital personnel file and the market and innovation leader for cloud software in HR document management. The aconso group of companies has been setting new standards for a digital HR department with its vision of fully automating HR processes since 2001. At the same time, they create more time for the most important thing in the company – the employees! aconso-Unternehmensgruppe mit Ihrer Vision, HR-Prozesse vollständig zu automatisieren, neue Maßstäbe für eine digitale Personalabteilung. Gleichzeitig schafft Sie damit mehr Zeit für das Wichtigste im Unternehmen – die Mitarbeitenden!

Wende.interaktiv is a German manufacturer of digital touch surfaces and digital signage with the aim of putting the customer at the center of the processes. They can achieve this best possible support through outstanding service and support. Since the of 2011, wende.interaktiv has stood for partnership, reliability, innovation, stability and simple solutions for every digital challenge!

TEN Information Management ist ihr professioneller Partner für Informations- und IT-Sicherheit. Wir bieten Softwarelösungen rund um die Implementierung von Informations- und IT-Sicherheit sowie eine Rundumbetreuung für Ihre Informationssicherheitsprojekte, sei es im Rahmen klassischer Implementierungsbegleitung oder aber im Rahmen unseres innovativen SCOD-Serviceangebots. SCOD steht für Security Consultant On Demand und hilft mit Spezialistenwissen im Rahmen von kleinen und überschaubaren Paketen – mittelstandsfreundlich und effizient.
Zweiter Schwerpunkt unserer Tätigkeit ist die Durchführung von IT-Sicherheitsuntersuchungen. Diese Untersuchungen, im Fachjargon Vulnerability Scanning und Penetration Testing genannt, sind ein unverzichtbarer Sicherheitsbestandteil jeder modernen IT-Strategie. Wir verfügen über umfangreiche Erfahrungen in verschiedensten Branchen, Technologien und Systemen. Unsere erfahrenen Penetration-Tester untersuchen Ihre Systemlandschaften und Anwendungen und leisten damit einen aktiven Beitrag zu einer kontinuierlichen und aktiv gesteuerten IT- und Informationssicherheit.

ARTEC IT Solutions ist führender Hersteller für umfassende Datenmanagement- und Datensicherheits-Lösungen von der Erfassung, über die effiziente Nutzung und sichere Speicherung bis hin zur rechtskonformen Archivierung relevanter Unternehmensdaten.
Sales Partners:

Wende.interaktiv is a German manufacturer of digital touch surfaces and digital signage with the aim of putting the customer at the center of the processes. They can achieve this best possible support through outstanding service and support. Since the of 2011, wende.interaktiv has stood for partnership, reliability, innovation, stability and simple solutions for every digital challenge!

project partners:

affinis AG We find the best solutions for our customers!
As a consulting company and strategic IT partner, our goal is to provide our customers with the best possible support in their challenges and to provide reliable support for their business systems and processes. We pair our well-founded consulting skills with our certified technological know-how. SAP, Microsoft, ServiceNow and Adobe form our working basis. We combine many years of expertise with smart services and innovative solutions that maneuver our customers into a successful digital future.
Transformation projects are not a chore. Cloud Solutions, efficient use of data and the Internet of Things open up numerous opportunities for every company to break new ground. We think about the future and thus create competitive advantages for our customers. It goes without saying that our customers achieve their economic goals. Our mission is to go beyond that. Through our proactive approach, we support our customers in constantly evolving.

Finding the right employees for the upcoming tasks is a decisive factor for companies. Conversely, skilled workers are looking for new top positions. Both sides need a competent partner for recruitment at their side. Hays looks for experts and finds positions.

Etengo is the specialized personnel service provider for the project-based deployment of highly qualified digital and IT specialists. As the only top 5 personnel service provider in Germany, Etengo has specifically focused on digital & IT skills and the IT-related environment. Etengo creates digital perspectives for DIG.IT specialists and companies.

The bpi solutions gmbh & co. kgsoftware and consulting company in Bielefeld, has been successfully supporting its customers since the early 1980s with a cross-company solution concept of easy-to-use standard software and industry-oriented solutions in the furniture industry, logistics and other sectors.

As a long-standing SAP partner HPC based in Mannheim and Hamburg plans and designs high-quality SAP business solutions in the logistics and supply chain sectors. Here we focus on intralogistics (warehouse, production and service), mobile applications, roll-out of SAP templates and complete SAP ERP implementations. HPC is a certified SAP PartnerEdge Sell and Service Partner and Partner Center of Expertise (PCoE)

Since 1997 the LIGHTHOUSE Management + Consulting GmbH develops SAP HCM extensions and modules integrated without interfaces. Based on a development agreement concluded with SAP SE, Walldorf, in 2007, the LIGHTHOUSE solutions offer the following advantages:
- a unique selling point, i.e. the following applies in particular to interested parties from the public sector: time-consuming tenders can be omitted
- Some of our solutions are delivered directly by SAP
- all products are also fully executable under HANA
Of course, LIGHTHOUSE offers a comprehensive support package tailored to the customer in the environment of their products and solutions.