Wir freuen uns, hier als aktives Mitglied teilhaben zu können:

The BVMW is the largest, politically independent and cross-industry interest group for German medium-sized companies. As part of the Mittelstandsallianz, they represent more 30 medium-sized associations with 900.000 members. The BVMW stands up for each individual and for everyone´s interests. We are pleased that we have been a member of the federal association of small and medium-sized businesses since 2013.

Since 2009 we are a member of DSAGThe German-speaking SAP user group is one of the most influential user associations in the world. More than 60.000 members from over 3.700 companies form a strong network that extends from medium-sized companies to DAX corporations and across all economic sectors in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (DACH)

The HE-S Digital Management GmbH hat sich als Mitglied der Initiative für Informatik IFI in Kooperation mit der Technischen Hochschule Aschaffenburg für die Einführung des Studienganges „Software Design“ stark gemacht. Ab dem Wintersemester 20/21 startete der technisch orientierte Studiengang.

The Pen Dalberg Team is an association for exchanging experiences and tips from a wide variety of industries. The success of the recommender network is partly due to the regularity and structure of the weekly meetings. The Pen Team Dalberg currently comprises 23 companies and we have been a member of the network since…

Im Herbst 2020 sind wir den Freunden der Goethe-Universität In autumn 2020 we joined the Friends of Goethe University. The Friends of Goethe University is a community that supports research and teaching financially and with prizes for young researchers. On the other hand, they act as intermediaries between the companies in the region and the university. In addition, the Friends of Goethe University help to set up scientific foundations and also manage them on a trustee basis.

Die Familienunternehmer embody that part of the German economy that is characteristic and particularly strong in international competition: the owner-managed champions who are worldwide leaders in their market segment. This segment faces the challenges of our time, the all-encompassing digitization, the new threats to free world and the lack of skilled workers, which is particularly noticeable in Germany

As part of the Technical University of Aschaffenburg, the KIBU project promotes the understanding of artificial intelligence among the employees of companies in the Bavarian Lower Main region. Through various events and MeetUps, KIBU aims to impart practical skills in the field of AI and thereby reduce obstacles to AI application. Furthermore, realistic expectations about the use of AI in operational practice should also be promoted.
KIBU – KI Community supports with knowledge transfers such as network meetings, application-related (online) workshops, online learning units and open AI consultation hours. This path allows for a focused, in-depth dialogue about relevant knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence with a high degree of accuracy for the local companies. In addition, asynchronously passive paths of knowledge transfer are chosen, such as an online news portal with content about AI with particular relevance for the region today and tomorrow, as well as a curated AI newsletter for the network.
We are happy to support here:

Since 2020 we have been supporting TH AschaffenburgLocated on the outskirts of the Frankfurt-Rhein-Main metropolitan region, this university currently teaches over 3,300 students. The quality of the academic education at the TH Aschaffenburg is underlined by accredited courses and top positions in relevant university rankings. Current specialist knowledge combined with key competencies make the graduates of the Technical University of Aschaffenburg sought-after specialists and managers. Rinaldo Heck is also a lecturer in ´´Software Design´´ at the TH Aschaffenburg.

The IHK Aschaffenburg is the self-governing organ of the economy in the Bavarian Lower Main. They represent all tradespeople in the districts of Aschaffenburg and Miltenberg, as well as in the city of Aschaffenburg, with the exception of crafts. The primary goal of their work is to create better framework conditions or the economy. We have been supporting the IHK since 2015, among other things our founder Rinaldo Heck sits on the board of examiners of the IHK.

Außerdem unterstützen wir seit 2018 die LBV Aschaffenburg-Miltenberg, diese setzen sich seit über 100 Jahren für eine vielfältige und erlebenswerte Natur in Bayern ein. Die LBV entstand aus der „Staatlich autorisierten Vogelschutz Kommission“, die im Herbst 1909 gegründet worden ist und ist heute der viertgrößte Naturschutzverband Deutschlands. Ihre Arbeit konzentriert sich aktuell auf Artenschutz, Lebensraumsicherung und Umweltbildung.

The Wirtschaftsjunioren Aschaffenburg at the IHK Aschaffenburg are an association of young entrepreneurs and employed executives. In addition to working in the self-governing bodies of the economy, membership enables each individual to exchange information and experience, business contacts at district, state, federal and international level and, last but not least, social contacts. Anyone who is not older than 40 years and runs a company that is affiliated with the IHK or is employed in a company in a managerial position can become a member of the Wirtschaftsjunioren. We have been supporting the Wirtschaftsjunioren Aschaffenburg since 2018.
We are looking forward to years of successful collaboration with:

The Wortmann AGwith which we have been a certified partner since 2020, is one of the most successful independent German IT companies with sales of almost €1 billion in 2020. As a manufacturer, distributor and cloud service provider, they serve over 15,000 specialist dealers and system houses throughout Europe with more than 700 employees.

Wende.interaktiv is a German manufacturer of digital touch surfaces and digital signage with the aim of putting the customer at the center of the processes. They can achieve this best possible support through outstanding service and support. Since the end of 2011, wende.interaktiv has stood for partnership, reliability, innovation, stability and simple solutions for every digital challenge! There has been a partnership between wende.interaktiv and HE-S since spring 2020.

INTREXX GmbH ist der Marktführer im Bereich der Low-Code-Softwareentwicklung für mittelständische Unternehmen. Zusammen mit vielen Partnern unterstützt INTREXX seit 1998 Kunden aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen dabei, ihre individuellen Prozessabläufe zu erkennen, zu gestalten und zu automatisieren.