HE-S masters the complexity of SAP!

SAP's complexity is almost unmanageable. A multitude of technologies multiplied by an enormous number of technical requirements make up this complexity. More than three decades of experience in the HE-S team give us a very good chance of mastering this complexity. The focus here is on technology and is complemented by the experience of over 300 projects with a great deal of technical expertise. We would be happy to accompany you through your specific complexity in order to achieve your goal together with you.

Frau schaut sich eine Grafik an


Application Service

We offer you a customised solution for the use or further development of the software. 

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Project management

You have planned new projects? We are at your side from A to Z. Together we will implement them.  

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Personen die sich über ein Thema unterhalten und Brainstormen


You want to develop a new software but don't know how?
We help you to realise your vision. 

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Man sitzt vor einem Computer und programmiert mit HTML


Are you no longer up to date? But would you like to improve in some areas or even discover new topics? Our qualified team will provide you with quality training in many areas. 

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Mann zeigt mehrere Möglichkeiten auf



HE-S Integration Suite

The HE-S Integration Suite offers your company an integration platform with which you can complete and optimise your business processes in and around SAP.
Bringing together what belongs together is the guideline.

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Weltkarte das ein ein Netzwerk zwischen allen Ländern zeigt

HE-S Migration Suite

Start perfect processes in your specialist SAP processes with HE-S and benefit from increased efficiency that goes beyond the standard. 

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Man mit iPad in der Hand das Technische Daten aufzeigt

aconso SAP

Are you having trouble with your IT? Updates are not carried out regularly? 
Wir bieten die Möglichkeit das mit Hilfe des IT Services der Ärger ausbleibt und ihre Softwarekomponenten immer auf dem neusten Stand sind